Common Plumbing Myths Debunked

Common Plumbing Myths Debunked

February 2, 2024 0 By Kasey Chapman

Home plumbing systems can be complicated, and to keep them working optimally it requires professional support. Misguided DIY tactics like placing lemon peels down the garbage disposal or using chemical drain cleaners could damage pipes further and lead to more costly issues in the future.

Time to dispel some popular plumbing myths! It’s time to learn the facts behind some common myths!

Myth 1: Baking Soda and Vinegar Will Unclog Your Drains

Unclogging a drain with baking soda and vinegar is an increasingly popular DIY home solution. Combining these household items creates a bubbling chemical reaction which loosens any food waste, hair or debris stuck in your drain clogs. Once loosed, hot water flushing should help flush away any remaining debris from your system.

Though this method can be effective, it will likely need more than baking soda and vinegar to break up severe clogs in your pipes.

TikTokers have gained millions of views with their unique hack to unclog sink drains by mixing baking soda and vinegar to form a chemical reaction, producing some pressure but not sufficient to force out even minor blockages from sink pipes. Furthermore, neither baking soda nor vinegar contain surfactants which help break up FOG (fats, oils and grease) clogs.

Myth 2: Hot Water Will Damage Your Pipes

Have you heard the rumor that pouring boiling water down the drain can prevent blockages? Unfortunately, this is a fallacy; instead it should never be done because this can damage pipes and lead them to break down or leak. Furthermore, boiling water does not dissolve grease build-up that accumulates within pipes thus keeping them unclogged.

Simply using boiling water won’t do the trick either; all that will happen is for grease to melt and travel further down your pipes where it will quickly solidify again. Instead, store any extra grease in a heat-proof container until after use before disposing it properly.

Simply put, seeking professional plumbing advice for any issues is always wise. Doing this will ensure that you receive appropriate advice and solutions to any potential problems.

Myth 3: Grease Will Clean Your Drains

Cooking grease may appear liquid at high temperatures, but when exposed to cold water and pipes it solidifies very quickly into fatty deposits which coat the insides of pipes, trapping food waste that causes drain clogs or causes serious pipe damage. Pouring cooking grease down a drain may even damage it irreparably!

Homeowners often assume they can avoid greasy drains by running hot water through their drain or adding some dish soap while rinsing their frying pans, but this only exacerbates the situation. A grease-clogged drain is caused by many factors including meats, dairy products, coffee grounds, eggshells, butter and many other household items – not running hot water alone is insufficient to do the trick!

To unclog a drain of grease buildup quickly and effectively, the best approach is using either caustic commercial cleaners or homemade solutions such as boiling hot water mixed with vinegar in equal proportions to increase temperature in order to liquefy any grease buildup in pipes.

Myth 4: Chemical Drain Cleaners Are Safe

Misinformation can easily be found online and lead to ineffective DIY fixes or more serious plumbing issues. Homeowners might add their plumber as a speed dial, but debunking these misconceptions could ultimately save both money and time in the long run.

Chemical drain cleaners can help clear minor clogs from pipes, but aren’t safe for sinks, bathtubs and toilets. Over time these harsh products can wear away at metal pipes while weakening plastic ones over time; leading to leaks or breaking them completely.

Chemical drain cleaners pose another potential hazard: fatbergs. To avoid them entirely and utilize natural methods for drain cleaning instead – such as placing ice into your garbage disposal to sharpen its blades or running cold water after using your disposal, which will keep it operating at peak performance and help avoid potential clogs – it is wiser to switch.